
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 4:33 PM, someone wrote:
> ...(he) and I have been having some DM discussions offline on Slack as an 
> example, and we have been
> discussing what it means to have modules...

It would be great to bring such discussions here as soon as they
become "important".

My (own, unwritten) rule in Apache projects is to move things to the
dev list as soon as they go beyond the level of a coffee machine
discussion - and when they do, restart the discussions here stating
what happened at the coffee machine.

Slack is of course quicker than email and probably better for
brainstorming, so I suppose a combination is best...but the benefits
of having a Single Place Where Important Things happen (in
asynchronous mode) are huge when it comes to long-lived projects like

-Bertrand (with my incubation mentor hat on)

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