
On 27 February 2017 at 18:03, Wade Chandler <wadechand...@apache.org> wrote:
> There are logging solutions to deal with that which we are discussing on 
> Slack. Too, I think “key” conversations is the key ... we will bring 
> important things to the list once we feel like we have something logical to 
> say.

I wasn't suggesting anything other than that with this list, although
what is "key" is not necessarily immediately known.  It was just a
comment based on personal experience that without logging of Slack,
things might get lost that are important without us realising,
particularly in channels other than #general.  Whether the solution is
logging or another similar service with better archiving, I don't
know.  I do think it's a communication medium that ends up being used
in a way that's not quite comparable to DM though.

Best wishes,


Neil C Smith
Artist & Technologist

Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for creative coding - www.praxislive.org

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