On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 7:40 AM, Peter Steele <steeleh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is a personal thing but I would like to get the updates without
> downloading a new version of the ide every time. Letting the ide auto
> update would be nice. I guess that could only happen when the module update
> issue is resolved
> It's a balance.

There's a balance between speed and stability. It's a balance between
convenience and control.

I tend to not tweak and customize every little thing, and simply accept and
work with the defaults. So, if those go about changing on me, it's quite
disruptive. I tend to be conservative in my tools and favor stability and
consistency over shiny features.

Netbeans already supports in flight updates, but I like that it has
numbered releases that are distinct from each other. It makes it easier to
migrate at my pace, not when the update button lights up or someone decides
to push something down.

To me, the single great feature of Netbeans is that it's one stop shopping.
You download it, and you get "everything" without having to hunt and peck
and grab random modules from random websites and track a zillion different
paths of compatibility. That's the stability that a numbered release
offers, vs a ball of mud of random, incremental updates, especially if
there are inter dependencies where updating one module causes a cascade

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