
On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Tony Kurc <trk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> Just so we're clear, my expectations is that the fixes we need above will
> go into master (0.6.0-SNAPSHOT). I (or the contributor) will attempt to
> also apply those fixes to a branch I made off of nifi-0.5.0, called
> "support/nifi-0.5.x", and when done we can test and when satisfied, start
> the 0.5.1 release process.
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Tony Kurc <trk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I lieu of a decision on a git branching strategy, does anyone object to me
>> naming a branch "support/0.5.x" so I can start pulling together 0.5.1?
>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:17 PM, Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Team,
>>> First, congrats on getting 0.5.0 out the door.  Very nice release with
>>> excellent new features, enhancements, and bug fixes with involvement
>>> of many new contributors.
>>> The effort toward 0.6.0 is well underway and if we are shooting for
>>> our original target would still arrive around mid march-ish.  Seems
>>> reasonable given progress so far.
>>> That said, I'd like to propose we go ahead and put out an 0.5.1 as
>>> soon as the patches are addressed.  The finding that Lars helped
>>> expose and that Mark Payne is now working  [1] in my view warrants a
>>> release by itself as it is data loss related.  Also, we can address
>>> the work Matt Gilman is doing to ensure properly authorized users can
>>> access resources they're being blocked by [2] and the license/notice
>>> findings Sean discovered during the last release [3].  There are a
>>> couple odd/ends in the list as well [4].  Purely a bug fix release as
>>> spec'd out in release notes [5].
>>> I checked with Tony and he is happy to continue performing RM tasks on
>>> the 0.5.x line.
>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-1527
>>> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-1497
>>> [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-1520
>>> [4] https://s.apache.org/nifi-0.5.1-candidate
>>> [5] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NIFI/Release+Notes
>>> Thanks
>>> Joe

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