So I am working in Kafka and while its a bug it’s not easy to fix with the 
current state of things (see more details here
So, there need to be some refactoring within NiFi core to address it right, so 
I’ve just changed the target to be 0.6.0.

For the time being, we know about Kafka issue and we know that it’s not an 
issue unless Run-duration > 0. So until 0.6 we should simply recommend to not 
use Run-duartion with PutKafka.


On Feb 19, 2016, at 4:18 PM, Joe Witt 
<<>> wrote:

Ok so looks like the major players for the 0.5.1 release are in.
Today during some testing it was discovered that there can be issues
with multiple HDFS processors with differing configurations and
yesterday on StackOverflow it was reported that there are some issues
talking to Kafka but there is a viable workaround for now.  I
personally feel like what we have for an 0.5.1 is good right now
without those two JIRAs and that we could do an 0.5.2 if those get
sorted soon or they can go in 0.6.0 which if we stick to the
previously discussed idea would be mid-March.

What do ya'll think?

If we did a kick-off of RC say late Sunday (assuming RM is on board
too of course) we'd be looking at a midweek release for 0.5.1


On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 9:13 PM, Joe Witt 
<<>> wrote:

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Tony Kurc 
<<>> wrote:
Just so we're clear, my expectations is that the fixes we need above will
go into master (0.6.0-SNAPSHOT). I (or the contributor) will attempt to
also apply those fixes to a branch I made off of nifi-0.5.0, called
"support/nifi-0.5.x", and when done we can test and when satisfied, start
the 0.5.1 release process.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Tony Kurc 
<<>> wrote:

I lieu of a decision on a git branching strategy, does anyone object to me
naming a branch "support/0.5.x" so I can start pulling together 0.5.1?

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 8:17 PM, Joe Witt 
<<>> wrote:


First, congrats on getting 0.5.0 out the door.  Very nice release with
excellent new features, enhancements, and bug fixes with involvement
of many new contributors.

The effort toward 0.6.0 is well underway and if we are shooting for
our original target would still arrive around mid march-ish.  Seems
reasonable given progress so far.

That said, I'd like to propose we go ahead and put out an 0.5.1 as
soon as the patches are addressed.  The finding that Lars helped
expose and that Mark Payne is now working  [1] in my view warrants a
release by itself as it is data loss related.  Also, we can address
the work Matt Gilman is doing to ensure properly authorized users can
access resources they're being blocked by [2] and the license/notice
findings Sean discovered during the last release [3].  There are a
couple odd/ends in the list as well [4].  Purely a bug fix release as
spec'd out in release notes [5].

I checked with Tony and he is happy to continue performing RM tasks on
the 0.5.x line.



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