
Some general comments on that thread:

"It would be more accurate to say that Gregory Nutt *claims* copyright over the whole code. However, the facts you give — that he reviewed contributions, committed them, and slapped his own copyright notice on top — do not imply that the copyright notice is accurate." -- That has never happened.  I insist that contributions of new files have the copy right notice and author on them.  I have never "slapped" my on copyright on anything.

"* the Foundation claims copyright on the _distribution_ rather than the individual 
files/contributions/commits. ... If we accept that GNutt did the same, then we're good to 
go. (I can't answer that statement)" -- There are copyrights ONLY on individual 
files.  There is no copyright at all on the distributions.  Modifications to files do not 
change the copyright by default UNLESS the commit/patch modifies the copyright.  
Basically copyright claims are managed entirely be the people that create and modify the 
code and no one else.

"If there's someone else who holds a significant copyright interest — e.g., if 
someone contributed large amounts of code that were merged without significant alteration 
— then SGAs from that party would be required too."

In the nuttx/ repository, there are a total 10,626 .c and .h files with copyrights in 
the header (which should be all of them).  Build-related files may also have 
copyrights but are excluded here.  I hold the copyright on 8,328 of them (78%).  Sony 
holds the copyright 401 files on (<4%) and Pinecone holds the copyright on 86 
(<1%).  That accounts for 82% of such files.  Looking at the remaining files, I do 
no see anyone holding large number of copyrights.  Perhaps Nick Johnson who did the 
original math library?  I doubt any there is any other copyright holder that exceeds 
the 1% range.

The apps/ directory should be similar, but I did not look at it.

"Might be worth asking Gregory Nutt if there was a NuttX contributor's agreement 
(expressed or implied) that assigned copyright.  My employee agreement assigns copyright, 
for example." -- No, no contributor agreements.

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