I would be happy to push this forward.  If there is a test space I can give
it a go this evening.
I’ve created a test space for you, if you need another just ask.


There are only a few things that need to be brought in.  From DocuWiki, there is only data/pages which holds the Wiki .txt files.  The only issue there are the files nuttx.txt which is the landing page and navigation.txt which is the sidebar. navigation.txt WILL cause some problems.  It uses a sidebar plug-in that no longer exists and can't be updated.  Basically, there will need to be a new sidebar design based on navigation .txt.

There are also several directories unrelated to DocuWiki that need to come along because they include documents and images referenced in DocuWiki:  Images/, Documenation/, Videos/, nxwidgets_v1_19/,

That is really all you need to know.  Will you need FTP access to get these non-DocuWiki directories?

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