For easy hacks, I would suggest a minimal, trivial device driver that just supports the the FBIO_UPDATE command (and any other command unique to the hardware).  This driver would have to lie in the board-specific logic or else have an SPI interface passed to it during initialization.  Or maybe a boardctl(BOARDIOC_IOCTL) command.

Thinking a little more:  There is a serialization problem with using these easy hacks.  The communication with NX is asynchronous through a message queue (this supports mult-threaded graphics clients).  In order to synchronize with the NX server, you would need to do nx_synch() which blocks until the SYNC message is processed. l Then you can safely do the low level interface.

If you wanted to support a graphics driver interface via NX, that is okay too.  But we would have to do that right, that is, in a device-independent, platform-independent, general way.

A better functional partitioning would be to have this hardware-specific functionality implemented inside of the LCD driver, rather than in some hack character driver or BOARDIOC_IOCTL.   There is, however, no LCD driver interface exposed to the application; the LCD driver interface is only available to NX.  I suppose it would be possible to add to an ioctl() method to every LCD (or FB) driver and and nx_ioctl() method to communicate and device-specific commands with the driver.  But that would be a pretty big effort (but a worthwhile contribution).  I would help on that one; the other, simpler ideas are basically hacks that could give you the functionality you need.  A generic graphics hardware IOCTL command would besystematic and general and common to all graphics devices.

An implementation of nx_ioctl() would be queued in order in the message queue and would not need any special synchronization.


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