>>> There is no workflow definition.  DavidS started a thread, but so far it 
>>> has only general principles, no work flow.
>> I for one struggle to “define a workflow” without using the vernacular of 
>> the underlying tool (git + githug/gitlab/bitbucket).  Best practices SW 
>> development workflows, today, are inextricably tied to the tools used to 
>> implement them; and the one common tool is git (I don’t believe anyone has 
>> or would suggest any alternative).
>> There seem to be [quite] a few people here with devops experience, as users, 
>> and a few as disciplined admins.  I think it’s incumbent upon those of us 
>> with that expertise and experience to come together and define a candidate 
>> workflow and present it to the larger team.
> But that also excludes all people from the conversation that don't speak the 
> language.  At some point, the requirements must be expressed in a way that 
> communicates what it does to every person of every background.

Agreed, that document then becomes the “on ramp” and guide for those still 
climbing the learning curve.

> This kind of tool-based thinking must also be constantly be monitored so that 
> it does not degenerate in a what-is-best-for-the-tool conversation instead of 
> a what-is best-for-end-user conversation.  The latter critical.  Often people 
> will sacrifice usability to make tool integration easier. We cannot let that 
> happen.

Again, I could not agree with you more.  This is why discipline is important.

> But I agree with you in part.  The top level specification is like a boat on 
> the surface of the water and it does help to have a glass bottom to see what 
> is going on beneath.

I like the analogy.

>   Those people with devops should coordinate in another thread and make 
> proposals for top-level functional to the broader audience.

We have enough smart and disciplined people here, I think we can do this.

We should be able to spec from the top-level (no tool speak) process down the 
the nitty-gritty.  And if we stratify the details, the resultant docs should be 
welcoming to all.

I’d like to give it a go.  Anyone up for this?

> Greg

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