I think there is some issues in the Apache Foundation email infra,
this is the second time it happens. The same email is send again after
some days.

On 1/19/22, Arie de Muijnck <mygro...@ademu.com> wrote:
> On 2022-01-19 19:40, TimH wrote:
>> FAT seems broken for NOR flash devices. Spent days getting nowhere.
>> Since FAT and flash devices don't really play well together anyway
>> (already found s512 erases a flash sector at least 4 times when
>> writing a cluster), so I'm wondering, in parallel, if NuttX has other
>> tricks up its sleeve that might achieve the same end? I want t:
>> - write to the flash, for logging, from the app running on the board.
>> This can be done with any FS - or raw - as far as I'm concerned. Not
>> the issue.
>> - an external PC (ideally Linux, Windows and MAC) needs to be able
>> "see" the data via USB (msd) and read/write to the memory (log data,
>> config files, audio files, etc). Hence FAT.
>> With a flash size of between 32 and 128Mbyte, I don't think a ramdisk
>> formatted as FAT holding a copy of the flash data is really the way to
>> go (board only has 64Mbyte RAM anyway).
>> I'm guessing I'll have to keep up the battle - that NuttX is winning -
>> of FAT vs. NOR flash until the bitter end, but if anyone does have
>> other ideas I'm listening!
> Why the fixation for MSD mode and FAT?
> Using a serial stream protocol also could access the files in a
> transparent matter.
> I remember the days of KERMIT, ZMODEM, CP, etc., over a serial link.
> Making the device appear as an NDIS network adapter also allows e.g. FTP
> to transfer files.
> Arie

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