On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 6:08 PM Tomek CEDRO wrote:
> Master branch can have some things that will not work. No one is able
> to predict everything. It is still possible to revert changes or
> redirect them in a good "backward compatible" way with a new feature.

Just a note: There are two approaches to the subject:
1. Master is saint, all development is done on devel branch (I prefer
this one, but it works best in a small projects).
2. Master holds live code that have new features that may break
things, users should use a release package or a release branch to get
stable code (this one seems more popular).

KiCAD for instance uses approach 2, so it there is a fix I need, I
need to use master branch at the cost of formats change rendering my
design files useless for others until a release catches up in several

FreeBSD uses CURRENT, STABLE, and RELEASE approach. CURRENT (has major
number next to a release) uses live code with all new features,
drivers, etc, but it breaks quite often, its mainly used by the kernel
developers. Code from CURRENT goes to STABLE (major number equal to a
release, or current minus one) after things are well tested, but here
things also happen to break sometimes. After code is even more tested
on a STABLE then a RELEASE is made (incremental minor number with a
STABLE major number).

I would say that staying backward and self compatible should be saint,
and that should be kept for a release.

Master seems to be the live code in NuttX, so new things may show up,
also problems, and time for a discussion and fixes.

With a constantly increasing popularity of the project more and more
situations like this will show up. It is also important how we deal
with and fix them as a team :-)

Have a good day folks! :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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