On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 2:06 PM Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > $ ./nuttx
> > login: admin
> > password:
> > User Logged-in!
> > nsh> duk
> > ((o) Duktape 2.5.0 (v2.5.0)
> > duk> hheellpp
> Note that only the characters sent from the remote peer and echoed by
> the driver are corrupted.
> > ReferenceError: identifier 'help' undefined
> >      at [anon] (duktape/src-noline/duktape.c:83732) internal
> >      at global (input:1) preventsyield
> > duk>
> Note that the actual received text is correct, only the echo back is wrong.
> > It was caused by recent carry return modifications.
> This seems to be the case.

Including the doubling of characters and momentary display of some
characters which seem to change rapidly?

I noticed that in the past we had a CONFIG_TELNET_CHARACTER_MODE (or
similar name). That doesn't seem to exist anymore. Are we expected to
always be in Character Mode? Line Mode? Which?


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