Hi Nathan,

Yes, same happens to duktape prompt:

$ ./nuttx
login: admin
User Logged-in!
nsh> duk
((o) Duktape 2.5.0 (v2.5.0)
duk> hheellpp

ReferenceError: identifier 'help' undefined
    at [anon] (duktape/src-noline/duktape.c:83732) internal
    at global (input:1) preventsyield

It was caused by recent carry return modifications.



On 4/24/23, Nathan Hartman <hartman.nat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am having some trouble understanding how NSH_TELNET is supposed to
> work in NuttX now. It used to work for me on real hardware.
> I saw that some people had problems because of not synchronized nuttx
> and apps repos, because some PRs were merged at different times. My
> nuttx and apps are both based on latest master.
> Recently (last couple of weeks?) there were some PRs in both repos
> related to telnet, CR/LF, CLE, or I don't know what, and the behavior
> changed:
> Now, when I type, I see double characters, and they get mixed up, and
> also seem to change with some delay. For example, if I type 'help':
> [[[
> $ telnet
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> NuttShell (NSH)
> nsh> hehehelp
> ]]]
> Typing 'help' and pressing Return does not work: Momentarily I see ^M
> when I press Return but it is replaced by duplicated characters of
> 'help' and the help does not print.
> Typing 'help' followed by Ctrl+J instead of Return does work and the
> help does print, but there is garbage displayed momentarily.
> If I change telnet mode to 'line' instead of 'character', it works
> better, but then I see each line of input echoed a second time. For
> example, notice how I type 'help' + Return and I see "helphelp usage"
> on the next line:
> [[[
> $ telnet
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> NuttShell (NSH)
> nsh> ^]
> telnet> mode line
> nsh> help
> helphelp usage:  help [-v] [<cmd>]
>     .         basename  dd        exit      ifup      nslookup  set
>    uname
>     [         break     delroute  false     kill      printf    sleep
>    umount
>     ?         cat       df        free      ls        ps        source
>    unset
>     addroute  cd        dmesg     help      mkdir     pwd       test
>    uptime
>     alias     cp        echo      hexdump   mkrd      rm        time
>    usleep
>     unalias   cmp       env       ifconfig  mount     rmdir     true
>    xd
>     arp       dirname   exec      ifdown    mv        route     truncate
> Builtin Apps:
>     telnetd    morsecode  sh         ping       tmutil
>     ostest     renew      netcat     nsh
> nsh>
> ]]]
> If telnet is working for you, what telnet program are you using and
> what telnet settings do you have?
> Thanks,
> Nathan

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