
Thank you very much for the research and links! As I mentioned in the original email, we're not at the Jira patch stage yet. Right now I'm asking for suggestions for CSS coding guidelines. Once those are established, THEN we will approach the Jira patch issue.

So, based on your research another CSS coding guideline would be:

Avoid specifying font sizes in pixels. Doing so will cause resizing problems in some browsers.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:

As promised :

Problems : IE does not allow to resize fonts formatted in pixels. This causes 
problems in number of cases depending of screen
resolution, visual deficiency, etc.
http://www.thenoodleincident.com/tutorials/box_lesson/font/ (a pretty complete 
abstract !)

Facts : IE has a 80% of market share. Micro$oft does not consider the problem 
above a bug (ie does not wan to fix it)

Solution :
In a first attemps I looked at 
http://www.dyn-web.com/dhtml/sizefont/index.php#examples which seemed a good 
solution (notes the + -
R blue buttons at left) but this a commercial package.
After I found this solution which seems to work well without bothering with 
specific zoom tool (smart, clear, concise :o) :

Adrian would you mind create a Jira issue for this topic with your explanation 
and patch and this fix ?



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