On Jan 26, 2007, at 11:15 AM, Jonathon -- Improov wrote:

Frankly, I believe that the rate at which patches are processed/ audited/committed has a lot to do with us non-committers (or simply interested parties) testing and reviewing those patches.

A big problem here is that we as a PMC are way behind on adding new committers. This is mostly because with the recent work load of finalizing incubation, graduating, and migrating to the new infrastructure has soaked up most of the PMC free time in the last couple of months (along with the oft-lamented excess of contracts... ;) ).

In any case, we HAVE been working on this and selected half a dozen people we'd like to invite as committers about two months ago. We should be getting to this soon, and hopefully that will help solve the problem of the issue back log.

Still, invited as committers or not we still always need help reviewing and testing patches and offering feedback. This is EXTREMELY helpful!


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