--- Tim Ruppert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I reviewed patches for Anil and Ashish - that is correct.  There's no
> fancy partnership here - nor is there any any legal concern, but  
> that's truly not what this discussion should be about.

You're absolutely correct that there isn't a _fancy partnership
present.  The partnership created is the same mundane one that is
created every day.  I must disagree with you, it is of GREAT legal
concern.  Since you obviously did not follow the link of background
information I provided David in my reply, I'll take a quote from a
section of http://library.findlaw.com/1999/Jan/1/241478.html

'According to the Copyright Act, the authors of a joint work jointly
own the copyright in the work they create. A joint work is defined in
Section 101 of the Copyright Act as "a work prepared by two or more
authors with the intention that their contributions be merged into
inseparable or interdependent parts of a unitary whole."'

"When the copyright in a work is jointly owned, each joint owner can
use or license the work in the United States without the consent of the
other owner, provided that the use does not destroy the value of the
work and the parties do not have an agreement requiring the consent of
each owner for use or licensing. A joint owner who licenses a work must
share any royalties he or she receives with the other owners."

If this doesn't sound like what you did with Anil and Ashish, read it
again.  If it doesn't sound dangerous, read it again and then _again
and then consider whether releasing something as "open source" destroys
the value of the work.   It does, there is no doubt about it.  Since a
joint owner who license a work must share any royalties he or she
receives with the other owners, guess what, the owners must share the
liability that a joint owner creates regarding that work.  

A _fancy partnership would spell out who and how the joint work can be
distributed and be agreed to in writing and the extent to which the
other joint owners can accept liability on behalf of the class of joint
owners.  The _fancy partnership would protect us all.

> 1. There already is an SVN for managing the OFBiz
Yes, and IMO the only things that should go into that project are
tested contributions that can hopefully be the basis of what someone
can run their business off of.  Half tested, half implemented ideas
should be in a sandbox SVN so that the community can get them ready for
the parent project.

> 2. You will have to manage mods to the trunk in patches regardless - 
> unless you'd want to go with some vendor branch scheme, which in my  
> experience is WAY more trouble than it's worth.

The sandbox isn't suggesting a branch or a branch structure, so there's
no trouble.  Since the two options are neutral in comparrison in how
they get re assimilated into OFBiz, we should only concern ourselves in
the easiest manner to incorporate the contribution into the teams
(using someone else's word).  That is SVN by a long shot over JIRA

> 3. Why can't you play on your own box like the rest of us - and only 
> submit (or commit) when you have something to say that you want  
> reviewed or to be shared?

That is the whole point of the discussion, no one is playing on their
own box.  You, Anil and Ashish aren't, the ofbiz-sandbox project on
sourceforge would not be and the proposed platform of the developers
conference will not be.  

Currently, the only _safe manner for a non committer to collaborate on
his own box is to 

download from Apache Ofbiz, 
upload to JIRA, 
have your collaborator download from JIRA, 
make sure the patch works because you two may be using different
make changes
then upload to JIRA, 
you download from JIRA, 
make sure the patch works because you two may be using different
and so on...

Committers only have the additional benefit of using labs.apache.org or
trunk instead of patches.  This limits their possible collaborators to
other committers.

> Chris, know that I feel you here, but why don't we just try this and 
> see how it goes?  If you end up having a huge following for these  
> types of things, then I'll be the first person backing you and doing 
> the leg work to put more infrastructure in place will be most  
> beneficial.

I've been trying it in the manner suggested by David in my spare time
for the past two years.  Other's aren't so patient and have simply
moved on.  And yes, it does work somewhat, but it could work a lot
better and without us having to cross our fingers, hoping no one tries
to sabotage the project.  

Depending on your definition of "huge" it already exists. (this also
answers someone's question earlier on who the groups were)
1. Those wanting to develop google checkout
  has code, but has been lost because Phani apparently has since
stopped monitoring the mailing lists.
2. Those wanting more modularization between the components
  has code, not sure where to contribute it because of the legal
3. The upcoming developer's "hackathon"
  will undoubtedly have code and will be contributed in a manner that
is subject to all the questions I have been asking.
4. Those wanting to refactor the create order process
  has code, been contributed to JIRA, though because it's a patch will
only attract those that are _really committed to the topic and not
those that have a passing interest.
5. Jonathon's rag tag team
  Jonathon claims it has lots of code
6. Anil and Ashish's asset management that's utilizing
  has 54 revisions, I don't know Anil's and Ashish's relationship, but
it would appear that it will need to answer the same legal questions
I've been asking to make it back into the project.
7. I understand Daniel K is wanting to collaborate on something
  I think he's wanting to learn by doing, but I don't know specifically
what he has in mind at this point.
8. Those that responded they wanted to help get Asterisk PBX
  Code in SVN.  Has functionality but could blow the socks off of
someone with some collaborative work
9. Those wanting to refactor PartyRelationship
  has code, at the moment has gotten too specific to be beneficial to
the community
10. Those wanting to collaborate on Business Intelligence
  there's a writeup on docs.ofbiz.org on how to kind of integrate openi
with ofbiz.  Someone contributed a bit of code, I believe to the ML. 
And Si Chen had made mention of completing some OLAP cubes based on the
openi writeup

These are just the instances I can think of off the top of my head. 
There's my huge following, so where's your backing?


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