
are you trolling?


Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
Er, Jacopo. Maybe I moved your cheese some time, I don't know. If so, sorry!

Since you like conciseness, please re-read this thread between David and Si Chen.

As for incorrect information, re-read my previous posts.


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
Si Chen,

I wasn't "saying" anything.

I think that this is the problem with many of your (and with those of some new guys that recently are around in these lists) posts, Jonathon: you say nothing with too many words, and this is confusing, especially for new users and, in the dev list, it is annoying because it's difficult to concentrate and discuss on the development of OFBiz. There is no need to comment every post and in general silence is better than incorrect or partially correct information.


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