
the vote passed a few days ago and you should now have commit privileges to the Webtools and Example components.


Adrian Crum wrote:
Now that this thread has made the rounds for a few weeks, can we get back to the original subject? I need commit access to framework/webtools and framework/example. Please.



David E Jones wrote:

Ean Schuessler wrote:

On Monday 10 September 2007 07:23:36 pm David E Jones wrote:

As a committer, I would like to do more to get the patches in Jira fed
into the project - but there are only so many hours in the day. I know
other committers are in the same position. Sometimes you just have to be

Be patient... or do something about it!

Like Adrian did...

I believe Adam had commit access at one time but no longer does. Do something about it!



It would be great to have Adam involved again, and his contributions from before really made a difference.

There is a bar to make it over for new committers and for previous committers it would obviously be lower, but the same stuff applies in general:


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