On Oct 23, 2007, at 1:23 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

David E Jones wrote:

The REAL problem, as I see it, is that what makes it into the database is not the binary content, it is the binary content in a serialized Java
object, which is really weird. So, I'm working on code changes to get
away from that and just send the bytes over.

Well, we may need to look at all implementations of Serializable in the
code base for the same kind of problems.  Data gets put into the
session, and saved between restarts.

But I agree, serialized java objects in a database suck.

I'm not so worried about serialized session stuff. That isn't a great loss if the object is out of date as the stuff is meant to be temporary anyway.

For binary data in the database, my opinion is that it isn't acceptable...


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