Unless you plan to debug in Eclipse the easiet way to compile
is to right click on the build.xml and select run as then Ant
there are two select the first one.
if there is an error then you many have to use the second one to put the
 tools.jar in the library section.

Yin T sent the following on 11/18/2007 10:01 AM:
> I downloaded the latest trunk from
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ofbiz/trunk using Eclipse 3.3 and subclipse.
> After the automatic compile in Eclipse, it showed a lot of compile errors
> and warnings.  I tried to resolve them by manually adding jar files from the
> OfBiz project as external jars.
> This took care of many compile errors but I was not able to do something
> about removing the following errors from
> /ofbiz/framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/connection/XaPoolConnectionFactory.java.
>       *StandardXADataSource cannot be resolved to a type
>       *The import org.enhydra cannot be resolved
> Could someone tell me if I'm missing some jar files or my Eclipse
> configuration/environment needs some tweaking.
> I believe the source is ok as I am able to compile it using the console by
> typing "ant" and "ant run-install" and the application runs.
> Thanks.

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