On Nov 23, 2007, at 4:40 AM, Jonathon -- Improov wrote:

Here, please pardon my terminology again, I don't know how else to say this. (This has irritated David before). There are 2 parts to OFBiz. The framework, and the ERP aspects. The framework is huge, but is really tiny compared to the ERP aspects in OFBiz that works OOTB. It should be possible to have an army of developers who only know the framework aspects of OFBiz, assign a single OFBiz expert (who knows *all* of OFBiz), and produce great software.

Not sure why this would irritate me, sounds about correct.

I usually refer to the "ERP aspects" as the business or applications level of OFBiz, as opposed to the framework or more technical or tools parts of the project.

The framework is all in the ofbiz/framework directory (with the exception of a few scripts in the ofbiz home directory).

The business level stuff is also split into two pieces, one for the core applications that are general purpose and one for special purpose applications that are for more specific roles and tasks. Those are in the ofbiz/applications and ofbiz/specialpurpose directories.


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