I am thinking about the implementation of this.

As I mentioned, I am strongly motivated to make each entry in
AcctgTrans/AcctgTransEntry an atomic part of the underlying reason for the
enter, say an Invoice creation.  If the AcctgTrans/AcctgTransEntry creation
fails, the Invoice creation should be rolled back as well to the integrity
of the business is maintained.

On the other hand, it is my expectation that most Ofbiz users will not use
this or want the overhead.

So, my question.  Can a SECA be used?  If the code in a SECA that is

Yes, this is what we should really implement.

associated with a commit on some entity generates an exception, is the
associated transaction rolled back?  For example, if a SECA was tied to an
Invoice commit and that code caused an exception, would the Invoice commit
be rolled back too?

Yes... and no :-)
If in the seca you set the service call as sync then everything will be rolled back (if the accounting transaction fails); if you set the seca as async then it will not. I'd say that by default we should keep the accounting secas as async, but some customer could change them to async.

Does it make sense?



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