What is the feeling of the developers here about using JFreeChart:


Here is the GNU Lesser General Public Licence  license:


that it utilizes.  I am writing the screens for an AR collections tool and
want to present the last 6 to 12 months of sales and a picture (bar chart in
this case) is worth a thousand words.

Can a commit which uses JFreeChart be accepted?

Yes, it is acceptable, but, have a look at this page:


because there are some notes about LGPL libraries:

"We can use, but can not include, libraries licensed with LGPL. The licensing quirk here is that we can write code that uses the libraries but can't include (distribute) the libraries themselves. This means that we have to have the build.xml files out of the box with exclusions for these source files. For each one we should document which jar files are needed, where they can be obtained, and which build.xml file(s) need to be changed to compile the Java files that depend on them."

Hope it helps,



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