Hi Nicolas,

If it helps you, I suggest to isolate files / code where you are not
very comfortable and put them in a separate patch (not the full patch)
with an explanation of what you've done and where you feel a little
hesitant or uneasy. I think if you make us focus with you on very
specific pieces of code then our review will be faster and your
confidence of the review will be better.

On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 10:55 AM, Nicolas Malin
<nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr> wrote:
> Thanks,
> I will commit on trunk after a second review of my code because i was
> concentrated to increase the flexibility with macro and screen but not
> manage correctly the VisualTheme concept.
> So I will take care about this, complete the documentation and commit on
> trunk.
> Nicolas
> Le 19/08/2017 à 14:14, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :
>> Like Michael, I also prefer to include the work into the code base and
>> test it over there. It seems like you put a lot of effort into this
>> code so thank you! I like the fact that you brought all the artifacts
>> into the theme along with the FTL macros. This is a good first step,
>> and I believe continuing on this direction is where we need to go.
>> +1 to committing into the code base and testing over there.
>> On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 1:09 AM, Jacques Le Roux
>> <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:
>>> That sounds great,
>>> Thanks Nicolas!
>>> Jacques
>>> Le 17/08/2017 à 22:00, Nicolas Malin a écrit :
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I started the documentation here
>>>> https://github.com/nmalin/ofbiz-framework/blob/common-theme/themes/README.md
>>>> It's a begging, I hope improve it quickly
>>>> Nicolas
>>>> Le 16/08/2017 à 13:49, Nicolas Malin a écrit :
>>>>> Hello;
>>>>> To continue the common-theme subject, I haven't see negative return to
>>>>> the issue Create a common theme (OFBIZ-9138) [1] and on threads on the
>>>>> same
>>>>> subject [2] and the additional theme xml definition [3], I suggest to
>>>>> create
>>>>> a documentation on the wiki how work the "theme engine" and commit the
>>>>> current git branch [4] [5] on trunk
>>>>> After that, the engine will be present on the trunk and we continue the
>>>>> work to :
>>>>> * Clean the common-theme and create a real theme
>>>>> * Migrate properly the current theme with the new structure
>>>>> * Analyze more how organize the screen api
>>>>> But don't panic, before that I'm listening to all suggest or remarks ;)
>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-9138
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/6ab61eb5ddeb4669f6e8e15fff44db724a596ecfece34ba4e34ef490@%3Cdev.ofbiz.apache.org%3E
>>>>> [3]
>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/8c40f261d2d818aed6f38abe231030204f8f8d6ca8a366b9f040f326@%3Cdev.ofbiz.apache.org%3E
>>>>> [4] https://github.com/nmalin/ofbiz-framework/tree/common-theme
>>>>> [5]
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/ofbiz-framework/compare/trunk...nmalin:common-theme?expand=1

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