Hi Craig,

Please have a look at LoginWorker.getAppBarWebInfos and ComponentConfig.
getAppBarWebInfos method.
For reference you can have a look at themes/flatgrey/template/AppBar.ftl

Thanks & Regards
Deepak Dixit

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:56 PM, Craig Parker <cr...@fossfolks.com> wrote:

> I'm running a clean slate install on MySQL, and trying to locate the main
> OFBiz menu. Looks like there's a db named ofbiztenant with a table called
> COMPONENT, and that appears to have at least the top level menu items.
> Where are the others?
> Nothing official, but I'm trying to make a spreadsheet or something I can
> print out for myself so that I can keep track of things going on in each
> part of the software. I don't see the big picture yet, and I'm hoping this
> might help. :)

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