Hi All,

I read all articles and I agree with Mathieu and Paul.

Here are my conclusions.

TL;DR: like Mathieu and Paul said, it's not a list problem it's a sender 
problem. But the devil is in the details...

More about that:

I use Reply to list in Thunderbird, because I was forced to do so at some point. I can't exactly remember when and I did not think much about it then. Just that it was convenient for me. I was certainly using either Reply to all or Reply to before, I can't remember clearly.

Reading http://david.woodhou.se/reply-to-list.html I know understand the implications of using Reply to list (when it's available). It's not fair for users who are not subscribed (but damn they earn it! :p).

So as mentioned by Mathieu[1], there is a better solution than Reply to list in Thunderbird. BTW I financially support Thunderbird from time to time, hopefully it will live long.
But [2] shows that it's the only MUA (Mail User Agent) doing so completely. And 
we don't know about webmail, notably Gmail!

Now come some questions:

I suspect users with Gmail are simply using Reply All when they involuntarilysend 
"duplicates" (1 to list, another directly to initial sender).
I got much of them when I sent
"Welcome to Pawan Verma as new committer!"
and "Welcome to Deepak Nigam as new committer!"

It seems this behaviour changed in 2011[3], and there is not much choice about 

So at this stage I'm not for changing things.
Even adding "Mail-Followup-To" in header is not recommended[5].

   <<Should my mailing list manager set up Mail-Followup-To?
   No. This would prevent non-subscribers from receiving copies of messages. It 
would fragment cross-posted discussions, sending some followups to
   your list alone while other followups are sent to both lists. You should leave 
Mail-Followup-To control in the hands of the original author. >>

I still can add it in Thunderbird though[5] \o/. For Gmail I don't know if there is a solution. Maybe extensions in Chrome (I guess Gmail users use the whole Alphabet's panoply)?

[2] https://www.leptonite.org/mft/software.html
[5] http://cr.yp.to/proto/replyto.html

I would add a -0.2 to Paul's vote if necessary :)

Le 17/06/2019 à 14:24, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Thanks Mathieu and Paul,

I began to prepare a formal answer to Mathieu, now I have to read 3 more 
articles before formally answering :D

At least I have made my mind up


Le 17/06/2019 à 04:00, Paul Foxworthy a écrit :
Hi all,

Please do not set reply-to.

I agree with Mathieu and Jacques, and the sentiment in
http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html .

In a formal vote I would want to say -0.8: if absolutely everybody was in
favour, I could live with it, but it is still a bad idea. We are talking
about guarding against mistakes, either sending to the list when the intent
was to communicate with only one person, or the other way around. If
someone mistakenly sends to just one person, the damage is minimal - the
recipient may well notice and say "hey, did you intend this to go to the
list?". A personal message mistakenly sent to the list could be much more
embarrassing and damaging.

I administer another mailing list for a non-profit group and this issue has
cropped up. We added to the footer of the messages "Reply will send a
response to the sender. Please use Reply To All to send a response to the
list." That seemed to satisfy everyone.

I have no problem with additional headers that some email clients might


Paul Foxworthy

On Sun, 16 Jun 2019 at 20:08, Mathieu Lirzin <mathieu.lir...@nereide.fr>

Hello Jacques,

Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> writes:

Le 13/06/2019 à 15:19, Mathieu Lirzin a écrit :
Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> writes:

I don't agree, as an ASF member I reply to a lot of MLs. I don't want
to be bothered by that for all of them.
Deepak's answer with INFRA-18478 seems to be the way we should handle
If you have a huge pile of ML subscriptions (50? 100?), you can
configure your email client incrementally each time you send an email to
a list that is not already configured and someday they will eventually
all be properly configured. \o/

I tried but could not find a way in a reasonable time
After doing some research I have found a documentation [1] which is not
directly about setting the ‘Reply-to’ header but the ‘Mail-Followup-To’
and ‘Mail-Reply-To’ headers which are workarounds for the “reply-to
munging” done by mailing-lists [2].

After configuring Thunderbird this way, people using Mail User Agents
(MUA) understanding those headers [3] will not have to remember to
remove you from the recipient list when responding to the list.

I haven't found any information regarding Gmail or other Webmail
clients, but hopefully they understand those headers too.


[2] http://cr.yp.to/proto/replyto.html
[3] https://www.leptonite.org/mft/software.html

Mathieu Lirzin
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