Hi Mathieu,

Am 11.03.20 um 19:13 schrieb Mathieu Lirzin:
Hello Michael,

Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de> writes:

Am 11.03.20 um 16:29 schrieb Mathieu Lirzin:
You are right. I should be more constructive than just acknowledging
that the requirements I expressed were not properly considered.

Let me try joining Pierre's effort by providing a simple but radical
proposal for our contribution procedure :

- Adopt Github Pull Request (PR) as the unique channel for code contribution

I don't see a reason why we should not allow patches also. It will
make it easier for people to contribute who are not able (or willing)
to run their own GitHub repository.

We should encourage people to use PR's but not force it (at least, not
The reason I see for requiring a unique code contribution channel is
lowering cognitive overload for everyone.

I don't see any cognitive overload in having a choice between an accepted channel which is used for years and using a new tool.

If a community ends up “requiring” certain contribution procedures that
people are not forced to conform. It is then up to the reviewers to
adapt or not to the choices made by the contributor.

If you are willing to adapt and continue review patches attached to a
ticket in parallel of the PR then those contributors will be happy.

I don't see a need for a PR *and* a patch in parallel but would be happy to deal with either a patch or a PR as a reviewer and committer.

We should allow both ways and give people the choice how they want to contribute.

- Require tickets only for bug reports

Jira tickets for improvements/new features are extremely helpful to
have everything in one place (with the addition to a link to the
mailing list discussion), track the efforts, watch issues etc.

How would you manage the work then?
I think you misinterpreted the proposition, it is not because something
is not required for every code contribution that it cannot happen when
it matters, indeed in the case of long term efforts like for instance
the “Groovy migration” it would make sense to have an issue associated
with it, but for small code/documentation improvements having a ticket
serves only a review medium which is far inferior than Github PR

So to “manage” stuff you could still use tickets and ML discussion like
before, but it would just be done when necesarry not to follow the
“everything as to be attached to JIRA” policy which was often justified
by the fact that they serves in the Monthly reports.

Do you speak of the monthly blog posts?

They are solely derived from the Git commit history, Jira is not used for it.

- Replace JIRA with Github issues

Why should we have two different issue management systems when we can
have everything in one place? What advantages do you see for doing so?
I also would not rely too heavily on GitHub because it is not an
official ASF resource and IMO Jira is a huge knowledge base of the
The advantage with Github issues is that they are well integrated with
the Pull Request mechanism so it is easier to reference Github issues in
PR (the reverse is also true).

The GitHub - Jira integration with PR's works fine so I cannot see this as a valid argument to switch the issue tracker.

IME Jira does not help avoiding the “Cognitive overload” because its
features are thought for the enteprise context with time tracked
employee and managers producing reports to their superior which is far
too burdensome to work with in the context of a community project.

?! We don't use these features and therefore there is no burden introduced with them.

Are you really feeling challenged by the use of Jira?

AFAIK the “everything in one place” you talk about is mostly fantasized
and has never existed IME.  People often have to cross reference
parallel discussion happening on Jira and Mailing list.

I don't understand why you need to use derogatory wording here. Strong words don't help and the fact that *you* don't like certain processes/tools/opinions does not mean that they are crap and not useful for others.

There is no contradiction in my statement. Discussion on the mailing lists are hold to reach a wider audience, elaborate an issue/topic and reach consensus. They should be referenced in the Jira where the work is tracked so that everything is in one place.

The adoption of Github PR in the contribution framework I am proposing
will not improve that issue but at least it will not make it worse as it
would be if OFBiz adopts Github PR as “yet another” contribution option
ontop of existing ones.

- Use Github API to get the stats for OFBiz monthly reports
Can you elaborate what you mean/ how you would do it?
I don't know and I don't want to know ;-).  I am just aware that Github
has a Web API which enables the retrieval of statistics on
Issues/PR/Contributors/... which can be useful for satisfying the
requirement of assisting the creation of monthly reports which some
people in this community care about (full disclosure I don't).

This seems to be a misunderstanding as I explained above (if you talk about the monthly dev details for the blog).

As always, I'm happy to hear more opinions.


Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de

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