Le 11/03/2020 à 16:29, Mathieu Lirzin a écrit :
Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> writes:

Le 11/03/2020 à 12:33, Mathieu Lirzin a écrit :
This said you certainly saw this thread started by Pierre Smits:
https://markmail.org/message/so7ljoqxzuq7jplz  and the related wiki
AIUI this page is only collection of Git/Github tips and fuzzy
"maybe"/"you can" rules.  Moreover it does not propose to
replace/deprecate/simplify existing contribution procedures/tools.
Yes, that's really missing, I agree. I once created OFBIZ-1129 (Tools to 
backport), but finally closed it for 2 reasons:

1. Not enough interest (most important reason by far)
2. Spent some time, did not find easy way to replace scripts, I don't think 

I think Pierre's effort is a try for the procedure aspect. Why not
joining there and improve?
You are right. I should be more constructive than just acknowledging
that the requirements I expressed were not properly considered.

Let me try joining Pierre's effort by providing a simple but radical
proposal for our contribution procedure :

- Adopt Github Pull Request (PR) as the unique channel for code contribution
- Require tickets only for bug reports
- Replace JIRA with Github issues
- Use Github API to get the stats for OFBiz monthly reports

@Pierre: What do you think ?

Hi All,

After reading all opinions so far, some fast, some more elaborated, I think we 
need to focus on gist and KISS.

TL;DR: we don't need more contributor best practices, but less.

At this stage a vote seems required. And before starting a vote we need 1st to 
clearly identify the pro and cons of the 2 solutions which are:

1. Only GH
2. Both Jira and GH

I'll not take into account other possibilities, as mentioned by Pierre, like patches in emails, and what not, because in such cases we most of the time ask people to use Jira.

1. Only GH

The most important question to answer is: what does Jira offers that GH does not? I think all the rest depends on that and could simplify much things. For instance seriously read https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/OFBiz+Contributors+Best+Practices, and think about newbies... We may also need to define the pros and cons. I think here it's subaltern because if GH fulfils the gist of what Jira does there is no point arguing. Again we need to focus on the essential, things really needed, and not bikeshedding. We did that too much already, code is the gist, not administrate it.

2. Both Jira and GH

The most important point here is mental overload. If you want to quickly have an idea about mental overload, pick a tool from https://techagainstcoronavirus.com/ You may try APL language too ;). Here we need to define the pros and cons.

Then we can and should vote, it's really an important topic that Mathieu raised 
and clearly we will not reach a lazy consensus.

Let me know if you think I missed something, but please don't bikeshed. What we want is to be effective and JFDI, not arguing. This project is riddled with sterile discussions, and yes I'm part of it :/



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