Thanks Gil!

Hi All, should we start a vote about releasing 22.01.01 under Gradle 7.6 and 
JDK 17?

Maybe before we could run 22.01 under Gradle 7.6 and JDK 17 in GitHub Action, 
BuildBot (ie OFBiz CI) and demos as proposed by OFBIZ-12729?

We can also do both, because voting and releasing would take some time.

What do you think?



Le 03/01/2023 à 09:34, gil.portenseigne a écrit :
Hello Jacques,

+1 to release with Gradle 7.6 and JDK 17, that'd be great !


On 02/01/23 11:15, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Nicolas, All,

Thanks Nicolas for your opinions. I'm surprised that we are only 5 to express 
opinions about this important decision.

Is nobody else interested ?



Le 30/12/2022 à 16:04, Nicolas Malin a écrit :
Hello Jacques,

I did the migration from my part with your suggest and I confirm that
ofbiz test passed with success. I also didn't detect any problem on
standard process for ordering and invoicing during manual simulation.

However, I didn't realize any loading test.

So no worries from my part to move forward.

Thanks for the works !


On 22/12/2022 19:02, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Team,

So far, we have only Michael's, Eugen's and Daniel's opinions about releasing 
the 22.01.01 version under Gradle 7.6 and JDK 17 (OFBIZ-12400).

To summarize, Michael is against, Eugen and Daniel are for. Daniel
suggests that we can use workarounds but need to later update OFBiz
to handle strong encapsulation.

Michael, I was surprised by your opinion, because of where you said 1 year ago:

    <<I am also in favor of a 22.01. branch and releasing a first stable version 
during the year 2022.>>

And that led me to closely verify the situation. Fortunately, after
OFBIZ-12726 (integration tests), I believe we can trust using Gradle
7.6 and JDK 17 by using temporary workarounds.

So my question is, should we vote for releasing the 22.01.01 version under 
Gradle 7.6 and JDK 17 or should we wait 22.01.02?

I have decided on my side to update GH, BuildBot and demos to run under Gradle 
7.6 and JDK 17. If nobody is against of course.
This will take some time, but I don't expect much. For that we need to push the 
workarounds in all supported branches. It's not a big deal:

-    // jdk.serialFilter is to "Prevent possible DOS attack done using Java 
deserialisation" (OFBIZ-12592)
      applicationDefaultJvmArgs = project.hasProperty('jvmArgs')
              ? jvmArgs.tokenize()
-            : 
+            : ['-Xms128M','-Xmx1024M',
// OFBIZ-12592 and OFBIZ-12716
+ '--add-exports=java.base/sun.util.calendar=ALL-UNNAMED', // OFBIZ-12721
+            '--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED' // OFBIZ-12726
+            ]

To release w/o the workarounds it is enough to remove the 2 "ALL-UNNAMED" lines.

It also would be great to freeze a 23.01 branch and use it as next demos while 
replacing the 18.12 by 22.01 as stable.

Looking forward for opinions...



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