It should be...

<field name="productId" value="xxxxx"><hidden/></field>
<field name="productCategoryId" value="yyyyy"><hidden/></field>

safeAddProductToCategory is the name of the context map that is created when 
you invoke the service.
Bruno Busco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Jacopo,
I added these two lines to the form:
but I still get the same error! :-(


2008/7/18 Jacopo Cappellato :

> Hi Bruno,
> just add the required field to the form as "hidden" fields (if you don't
> want them to appear to the user).
> Jacopo
> On Jul 18, 2008, at 12:16 AM, Bruno Busco wrote:
>  Hi devs,
>> sorry if I ask a basic question but I need a hint from you to move
>> forward.
>> I am trying to implement a multi form to let the user to select multiple
>> products and add them into a category. I have the multi form but now when
>> I
>> select one or more products and submit I get the error:
>> Errore:
>> Il seguente parametro richiesto žB mancante: [IN]
>> [safeAddProductToCategory.fromDate]
>> Il seguente parametro richiesto žB mancante: [IN]
>> [safeAddProductToCategory.productCategoryId]
>> Il seguente parametro richiesto žB mancante: [IN]
>> [safeAddProductToCategory.productId]
>> (missing parameters)
>> The form is this:
>> -----------------------------------------
>> target="addProductToCategory" title="" type="multi"
>> paginate-target="FindProduct"
>>       odd-row-style="alternate-row" header-row-style="header-row"
>> default-table-style="basic-table hover-bar">
>> result-map-list-name="listIt">
>> title="${uiLabelMap.CommonSelect}">
>> target="EditProduct?productId=${productId}"/>
>> widget-style="smallSubmit">
>> area-target="FindProductSearchResults"/>
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Can you please indicate where am I wrong ?
>> Where/How should I set the requested fields?
>> So many thanks!
>> -Bruno

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