On Aug 10, 2008, at 7:58 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

BJ Freeman wrote:
if I remember the discussion correctly, it was that since the
author(supposedly) was in the svn history, it was not necessary to have the author in the header. I don't remember it being against the ASF policy. From the few licenses I reviewed through the svn explorer they are more
verbose and varied than the one in ofbiz.
Httpd ver 2.2 see LICENSE 613311

The author is not in svn. That author field is for the *upstream* imported software, not for the ofbiz code.

Another issue: the LICENSE file included in all the ofbiz-built jars should contain the *ofbiz* license; the jar files do *not* contain code for external projects, so including all the other licenses is superfluous.


with the premise that I don't know much about licenses and best practices around them, I know that we did a bunch of work to reach the acceptance of the strict rules of the ASF during our Incubation. There were al lot of discussions in the Incubator public mailing lists and in the OFBiz lists and also some ASF guys reviewed the License stuff in OFBiz at that time. So, before we take any decision on the format and content of license artifacts in OFBiz, we should really understand and read all the requirements and directives of the ASF, maybe you already did this, and this would be great, but possibly you are using the pattern you have used for other projects, and them could not work for the ASF.

Just my 2 cents,


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