Getting together at the Apachecon 2009 in Amsterdam would be a good
opportunity to announce the new release (policy) to the public.

Who is visiting that event?

2009/1/16 Jacques Le Roux <>

> +1 (for Ubuntu like)
> Jacques
> From: "Bruno Busco" <>
>> >
>>> How we want to do this is a good question. I suppose defining a release
>>> target is the way to go, and we can use that for bug reporting after the
>>> branch is created as well.
>> Yes, this is the way JIRA is supposed to be used.
>>  If we do that this next release could simply be "release2009", or if we
>>> want to be more specific and perhaps use the Ubuntu model (and assuming
>>> we're planning for a release in March) we could use something like
>>> "release9.3". I think I like the simple release2009 better...
>>> Any other opinions?
>> I would prefer the "release9.3" scheme, since it will allow us to have
>> more
>> that one release in a year (just in case). It will give very soon a more
>> precise indication of the time in which the release was done.
>> The version string can be created in JIRA as release9.3, than, if for any
>> reason we miss the month (or if we finish earlier) we will rename it.
>> If there are no objections I will create a "release 9.3" version scheduled
>> for march 2009.
>> -Bruno
>>> -David
>>> On Jan 15, 2009, at 4:24 PM, Bruno Busco wrote:
>>>  David,
>>>> could you create the new version in JIRA so that we can schedule these
>>>> issues on it and have them displayed in the Road Map?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Bruno
>>>> 2009/1/16 David E Jones <>
>>>>  On Jan 15, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> David E Jones wrote:
>>>>>>  What do we still have that is up in the air for refactoring,
>>>>>> cleanups,
>>>>>>> and enhancements? I know quite a few have been worked on recently but
>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>> not sure of their exact status, but here are some that come to mind:
>>>>>>  Yes, that would be a good one to get done.
>>>>> There may also be other framework versus apps issues that need to be
>>>>> resolved, actually I know there are (Bruno brought one up today in
>>>>> fact).
>>>>> -David

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