Thanks Bruno,

Yes, like you I think we should consider more seriously this issue.
Maybe your requirements (Subversion) in are already satisfied on the main demo server (please someone can answer here) ? They are on my alternate dermo server. I just tested (merged easily) it works well. Some points though, bsh -> groovy, Some i18n needed in svninfo.txt
One question : I don't think we should put this in hot-deploy, should we ?


From: "Bruno Busco" <>
A patch is available in
2009/2/3 Bruno Busco <>

OK, I will move to the footer.

BTW for the SVN info, could we think to use the patch included here? *
OFBIZ-1700 <>
With this change a new ant target was added to run the svn info command and
the results were available to be shown in an "about" application.
May be now a better implementation could be to have the svn info generated
string available in a portlet.

2009/2/2 Jacques Le Roux <>

+1 for footer (and if we could have the release number it would be even
greater ;o)


From: "David E Jones" <>

Shouldn't that be the time the server thinks it is for the user, and
 therefore something that we might want visible to the user just in  case
their time zone setting is off or something?

Of course, it doesn't need to be in the header... I like the footer
 better personally for less critical/useful info like that.


On Feb 2, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

 If we need information on the server there is the log in webtools. I
 can't see why an end user would be interested by server time, but I  may be


From: "Bruno Busco" <>

On a second thought... are we sure this is not usefull to know the
If this is not the case and there are not objections I can remove it.

2009/2/1 Bilgin Ibryam <>

 In case my vote was not very clear: + 1 to remove it

On Feb 1, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Bilgin Ibryam wrote:

+ 1


On Feb 1, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I just realise that we have a date/time in header. Does it make
 sense to

have this here ?
Time (and even date) is not updated and each modern OS provides
information in some taskbar anyway.


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