On https://www.ofbiz.it/catalog/control/login/main?USERNAME=admin&PASSWORD=ofbiz
the actual theme is bluelight so it seems to be possible to change the
theme, but...how?

2009/3/10 Bruno Busco <bruno.bu...@gmail.com>:
> Yes, I need to better dig into it but I supposed to be related to the
> recent OFBiz strongest security constraint.
> The strange thing (not strictly related to the security but to how
> VisualThemes are set) is that even id this security issue is already
> deployed to the demo server, there should be some way to change the
> Visual Theme.
> Until few minutes ago the backoffice was not working with admin/ofbiz
> because the multiflex theme was selected (that is not supposed to be
> used in the backoffice).
> I logged in as demoadmin/ofbiz and found the bluelight theme in place
> for this login.
> Finally I logged in as flexadmin/ofbiz and manually deleted the
> UserPreferences record that had admin stuck on multiflex.
> Doing this now the demo is working again but...how people was able to
> change the theme?
> I tried to use party/visits and webtools/logs in order to discover the
> "hack" but no way.
> I would be interesting to know how to track the user activity that
> took to this. How to?
> -Bruno
> 2009/3/10 David E Jones <david.jo...@hotwaxmedia.com>:
>> I did write some message and sent them to this list, one to propose these
>> changes and another to communicate that they were in place... :)
>> Of course, now that people are seeing the downside to security, maybe
>> opinions won't be so in favor of it? ;)
>> -David
>> On Mar 10, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> I encountered that error too.
>>> -Adrian
>>> Bruno Busco wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> in the latest trunk (rev. 752277) I got this error whenever I try to
>>>> change the VisualTheme in the backoffice:
>>>> The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>> Error calling event: org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException:
>>>> Found URL parameter [userPrefTypeId] passed to secure (https)
>>>> request-map with uri [setUserPreference] with an event that calls
>>>> service [setUserPreference]; this is not allowed for security reasons!
>>>> -Bruno

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