Thanks man - much appreciated.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Dec 16, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Ean Schuessler wrote:

> Like most legal things I think its a question of intent. Debian has
> certainly had many situations where there were "problems" in the repos
> and past releases that remain uncorrected. Sometimes the legal questions
> are very fuzzy and sometimes people just aren't aware that there is a
> problem. If its clear that you are trying to address problems then you
> are in a much better position than if you are clearly and willfully
> disregarding the terms of someone's license.
> I think we have to accept, as a matter of course, that we are going to
> have problems sneak into the repo. Removing a revision from SVN is
> extraordinarily difficult and *any* user of SVN is going to have that
> problem. I think, for our purposes, we can regard SVN as a development
> tool and not a distribution tool (though that's not exactly true its a
> question of intent and common industry practices). We should make a real
> effort to not knowingly include glaring license problems in an official
> release.
> With all these things, remember IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer) but I have
> been around Debian for a while and its a veritable cornucopia of
> licensing squabbling... for what that's worth.
> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>> +1 - that makes great sense Ean - thanks for laying it out like a towel.
>> I have a question about this legal stuff - does only having licensing issues 
>> in the repo for a little bit count any less against us?  Does it actually 
>> open us up to anything in any way?  I really don't know the answer, so I'd 
>> love to here other thoughts on the topic.  
>> I'm assuming that as soon as it's checked in, we're screwed, which means to 
>> me that we must do better at not to putting them into the repo at all - 
>> instead of cleaning them up in the future as this has happened numerous 
>> times on this effort.  Anyways, any info on the matter would help me - so 
>> thanks in advance.
> -- 
> Ean Schuessler, CTO
> 214-720-0700 x 315
> Brainfood, Inc.

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