Out of curiousity, I dropped an unadulterated (but unpacked) copy of the
BIRT viewer WAR into an OFBiz component and put it in hot-deploy and it
worked right out of the box! I'm sure some of this is due to work you
have been doing in trunk to take care of compatibility issues but,
still, its interesting. I even copied in some JDBC based reports I have
written against OFBiz tables and they worked without any issues as well.

The main questions are, how would we get OFBiz data into an unmodified
BIRT WAR? I know there are several vehicles available within BIRT to
allow this, we would just have to determine what is the easiest thing to
get going. If we had some IOC (ie. Spring) style features in the OFBiz
container this might be one way to achieve the desired result.

Adam has been working (successfully) to create a SQL front-end to the
entity engine to allow typical business users to leverage their SQL
skills while still gaining the benefits in the EntityEngine. We have
discussed (and he is building) a JDBC adapter class that will sit on
these facilities. If this JDBC driver were to communicate with the OFBiz
instance we might be able to provide a facility where you use something
like "org.ofbiz.jdbc.Driver" as the BIRT driver and a JDBC url like
"jdbc:ofbiz:default" to get a connection to the default delegator.
Queries would work naturally as if you were talking directly to the
database but retain portability, caching, views and other OFBiz features.

Hans Bakker wrote:
> We never looked into that possibility assuming we needed to do too much
> adaptation after deploying. But be my quest, if you think it is
> possible.
Ean Schuessler, CTO
214-720-0700 x 315
Brainfood, Inc.

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