Yes, I do still own the domain. It expires in May of this year, and I've been 
planning to transfer it to the ASF (if they want it, not sure if/how that 
works...) closer to before it expires.

Right now the domain is managed by name servers at Contegix so that they could 
maintain things more easily.

I can point it back to name servers that I control and then point the various 
sub-domains wherever, and perhaps at this point that's the best thing to do.

How is the server at that IP address setup? I tried going to the plain IP in 
the browser and it won't respond, which makes me wonder if everything running 
on it is setup by virtual domain. If that's the case then it will need to be 
ready to have pointed to it.

Also, is there just one demo setup over there for the trunk, or are there 
various demos setup for release4.0 and release09.04? If there is just one demo 
then I don't think we should point over.

BTW, I've moved this over to the dev mailing list since it's more of a project 
management thing.

On a related topic: a better solution overall would be to change all of the 
links to the new ASF sub-domains since that is the more permanent home for all 
of these resources. I'm not sure if the ASF has a policy on this, but I do 
think that keeping everything under the domain and under infra 
control is the best way to go.


On Jan 31, 2010, at 3:32 PM, Hans Bakker wrote:

> Who has control over David?
> what we can do is point this domainname to the apache vm so we can keep
> on using the ssl certificates....
> do put: 
> to
> to
> i will ask infra for a second ip....
> regards,
> Hans
> -- 
> Quality OFBiz services for competitive rates

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