On Feb 8, 2010, at 6:27 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

> David E Jones wrote:
>> The thing with the ArtifactInfo stuff is that you're not lazy-loading any 
>> more, you're getting every service implementation, screen, form, menu, etc 
>> all in memory at the same time. Currently in OFBiz that's a lot of stuff and 
>> it takes up a fair bit of memory. It could possibly be optimized to use less 
>> memory for the same stuff, but one way or another it's a lot of stuff.
> It still doesn't need to keep it all in memory.  The artifact stuff
> scans everything, so it can populate a drop-down.  However, it keeps a
> hard-ref to it while it is scanning, and that is what causes the
> memory usage to balloon.

It keeps it for a little more than a drop down. Try trimming things out and see 
how the searching, reverse references, and so on are working afterwards.


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