Still looking forward to discussing and rectifying how we have two ebay stores 
and how that's just something I'm supposed to be happy about - even if it could 
be a job for someone who's not as gifted.  This has ZERO to do with Hans - 
that's the problem - the victim role just doesn't work around here.  It has 
everything to do with the fact that rules were broken, discussion is overlooked 
or ignored, and we have massive amounts of duplication because of this - all 
the while hiding behind being "attacked" instead of focusing on what is being 
asked by the person reporting the issues.

If there are others that you feel are not being held to the same standard that 
Hans is, then what I would suggest is to start to hold people to that standard 
instead of lowering the level of quality that we need to achieve.  This may be 
a community project, but we're not all hippies here - we need to be accountable 
for what we do and work towards doing a much better job - and that goes for 
each every one of us.

Feel free to burn me at the stake if I introduce another component without 
taking the time to do proper analysis of what is currently out there - and 
especially if I blow off the discussion the way that we see regularly. Anyways, 
I want to make it clear that I'm not here to start anything else up - I've got 
nothing against Hans in ANY way - I just respectfully disagree with the Zen you 
are experiencing at the moment with the way the contributions are made.

That being said, Hans has made great contributions over the past year - and I 
do not mean to take anything away from the end result - the road was definitely 
sometimes difficult and I'm glad that we're thru most of it.  Kudos to Hans - 
and peace man peace.  Looking forward to seeing more people looking at the code 
and hopefully improving what everyone is producing.


On Mar 10, 2010, at 5:25 PM, Ean Schuessler wrote:

> Hans Bakker wrote:
>> I give up already before your message, Tim.
>> as happened often in the past as with the setup application, with the
>> myportal application, with the birt integration, with the new ebay
>> component and now with this twitter account, i get really tired by
>> certain people fighting, especially new, additions to the system. For
>> the good of the project? i am sorry i do not think so. Certain people
>> like to show their powers only. Read other mailinglists how other people
>> think about ofbiz and how many people are using ofbiz but do not
>> contribute.
>> Discussion before hand? I think it gets then even more problematic, it
>> takes too long time, my customer does not want to wait for.
>> I am now slowly considering creating components outside of ofbiz like is
>> happening in china and France because it is causing too much grief and
>> discussion to get it into ofbiz.
> This message comments on the general state of affairs with Hans and not just 
> the effort to add a Twitterfeed in the vein of what other competing projects 
> already have on their home page.
> Having spent the past month dealing with the sorry state of purchase returns 
> I do have to say that I feel an unfair standard is applied to Hans'. The 
> portal, the project manager, the Ebay integration and the BIRT integration 
> are, in my mind, some of the most interesting new developments in the system 
> and I am actively trying to figure out how to put them to use. The Ebay 
> system connects your lowly OFBiz inventory into the world's largest 
> marketplace and the BIRT integration adds (or works towards adding) 
> enterprise level reporting that is a silver bullet item for us when 
> presenting the system to clients.
> Fundamentally,  I see a failure to honor the contribution in proportion to 
> complaining about its flaws. Its as if someone brought you a valuable gift 
> and all you could comment on is the quality of the wrapping paper. We should 
> work harder to assist in the integration of these useful tools rather than 
> turning on a "my way or the highway" flamethrower. (see Matthew 7:3)
> Hans' contributions have inarguable value and some of the weaknesses in his 
> commits (ie. inconsistent indentation) seem like a good opportunity for 
> someone with less experience to do something useful. It would be a crying 
> shame if we lost the features I listed above because of otherwise minor 
> imperfections in their construction.
>> On Sat, 2010-03-06 at 01:48 -0700, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>> Please send me the credentials as well - I'd like to update the Bio and 
>>> make this actually look like an ASF resource if we're being forced into 
>>> having something else to maintain.  We all have twitter feeds, but we 
>>> didn't post them on the front page acting like they are coming from the 
>>> project - this is the inherent problem.
>>> Btw, Hans, in the future, I would appreciate you talking BEFORE you 
>>> starting making more things for the project to be in charge of - ebaystore, 
>>> twitter account for the project, etc, etc.  I'm a willing participant, but 
>>> just because you have commit privileges doesn't mean that you shouldn't 
>>> have conversations about what you're doing and why.  I think that if you 
>>> followed this guideline, and looked for some more help before diving on 
>>> issues, you might find that there are plenty of people that are interested 
>>> in your ideas and they might contribute to a higher quality product than 
>>> you're tossing out by yourself (this is at least something I've always 
>>> subscribed to).
> -- 
> Ean Schuessler, CTO
> 214-720-0700 x 315
> Brainfood, Inc.

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