On 10/03/2010, at 6:44 PM, Ean Schuessler wrote:

> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>> Man I hope not!  That's one of the reasons that ever working with OpenTaps 
>> sucks.  If someone wants to do that, please put it somewhere where most of 
>> us don't have to get it so that we can continue to develop in a cleaner 
>> environment.  This is a huge one that would need to be discussed before it 
>> got dumped in IMO.
> I don't know about that so much. On Google Maps, Gmail and Google Wave it 
> seems like GWT isn't sucking too much. I've used it myself and its 
> pixel-perfect identical behavior on Firefox, Safari and IE (going back to 6) 
> made me giggle with childish delight. The environment completely isolates you 
> from the peculiarities of each browsers Javascript execution environment and 
> HTML rendering stack. Those are significant benefits.

I'm not sure about Google Maps but gmail doesn't use GWT.

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