I just checked and I messed up... there isn't a UOM field that goes with the 
squareFootage field.

That being the case, I propose we add a couple of generic fields (facilitySize 
as a float, facilitySizeUomId) and deprecate the squareFootage field.

BTW, however it's done with an explicit UOM it's possible to specify a volume 
as well as an area should one desire (though I wouldn't recommend it).


On Mar 30, 2010, at 10:01 AM, Scott Gray wrote:

> As per David's email the uom field is already there, the migration service 
> was just a suggestion and because the uom is already there it isn't useful 
> anyway.
> Regards
> Scott
> On 30/03/2010, at 9:49 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Why not simply add a new field for the UomId ? Do we really need a service 
>> to migrate data?
>> It seems to me that previous integers will be simply represented with 0 
>> decimals. At least I tested on Postgres without any issues at all.
>> I tried to keep things simple, to me and to persons who will need to update: 
>> no deprecation, just a change.
>> Though I only tested on Postgres and there are maybe syntactic SQL 
>> variations...
>> Jacques
>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>> If we want it to be a bit more generic we should probably add two new 
>>> fields: floorArea and floorAreaUomId and then deprecate
>>> squareFootage, perhaps with a migration service to populate the new fields 
>>> with the data from the old.
>>> Regards
>>> Scott
>>> HotWax Media
>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>>> On 30/03/2010, at 7:22 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'd like to allow Facility.squareFootage to support decimals. In order to 
>>>> do that, I need to change the type of the
>>>> squareFootage field from numeric to fixed-point. I can't see any issues 
>>>> doing that OOTB. But in case this would be a problem for
>>>> someone I prefer to warn.
>>>> Jacques 

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