Hi Ean:
Good reason to try and get ASF to keep it. (No disrespect intended but, need I mention, underneath all this, is the "commercial" reality that your comment implies.)

Ean Schuessler wrote:
It would cause major damage to our Google search placement to drop all the pages in their database on the ofbiz.org domain. We should, at least, keep it for another year with permanent redirects on all URLs to the Apache equivalent. My $0.02.

David E Jones wrote:
My current registration of the ofbiz.org domain expires on May 13th of this year.

This brings up a question: should we keep it around and keep using it, or let it go (just all of the other ofbiz.* domain names that aren't anything official related to the project)?

There is certainly historical significance to it, but it really isn't needed any more now that everything is under the official apache.org domain. The ofbiz.org domain could be transferred to the ASF and maintained by the foundation if there is interest (I think some other projects have done this, while others have just let the old domain go).

What does everyone think? Is it worth keeping around?

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