if you got that far it should be all four time fields.
however I don't see the need even with sync to do this.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

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Adam Heath sent the following on 6/16/2010 1:34 PM:
Any place that specifies a date in a seed xml *must* also specify a
timezone.  If you do an install on one machine, then do a
dump/copy/import on another machine, that is in a different timezone,
then reimport the original seed xml, the timestamps will not match.

What happens, is that there is no timezone on the fromDate fields.
The original import uses the timezone of the local machine as the
default in this case.

When the seed xml is reimported on the second machine, it uses the
default timezone of the second machine.  If the timezones are
different, then the fromDate will be different as well, and you'll get
duplicate records in the database.

The fix here is to update all the seed xml files to specify a
timezone.  Probably using UTC would be the sensible approach.

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