BJ Freeman wrote:
> if you got that far it should be all four time fields.
> however I don't see the need even with sync to do this.


> =========================
> BJ Freeman
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation 
> <>
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> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
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> Adam Heath sent the following on 6/16/2010 1:34 PM:
>> Any place that specifies a date in a seed xml *must* also specify a
>> timezone.  If you do an install on one machine, then do a
>> dump/copy/import on another machine, that is in a different timezone,
>> then reimport the original seed xml, the timestamps will not match.
>> What happens, is that there is no timezone on the fromDate fields.
>> The original import uses the timezone of the local machine as the
>> default in this case.
>> When the seed xml is reimported on the second machine, it uses the
>> default timezone of the second machine.  If the timezones are
>> different, then the fromDate will be different as well, and you'll get
>> duplicate records in the database.
>> The fix here is to update all the seed xml files to specify a
>> timezone.  Probably using UTC would be the sensible approach.

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