the portlet Attributes can already be edited by the user. When you go in the
Admin portal pages there is a little icon on each portlet (the pencil with
the paper) that allows the user to access the parameter edit form. The icon
is only visible if the portlet has the edit form registered.
All this was done trying to emulate the portlet that you can find in JIRA.
If you try the dashboard in JIRA you will see the kind of attributes you
will be able to edit in a portlet. For sure you are not allowed to change
the actual screen the portlet renders.
This expose the system in a way that a user could change the screen a
portlet renders to ANY screen by only knowing its name and location.
This is definitively not what the intial portlet system was supposed to do.

Please give a look to these pages I wrote when the Portlet system was
designed. They are not updated but still useful.


2010/9/13 Erwan de FERRIERES <>

> Le 12/09/2010 10:37, Bruno Busco a écrit :
>  Sorry to comment this commit very late.
>> I am looking into the PortalPortlet system how it is now. IMO it is now
>> too
>> complicated with the portlet attribute feature not used as supposed by the
>> original design.
>> The generic portlets added with this commit use the Portlet Attribute
>> system
>> to actually render a screenlet defined by the portlet attributes.
>> There is a portlet to show a GenericScreenlet, this defines a
>> (collapsible)
>> screenlet retrieves the screenlet title from a portlet attribute, and
>> include a form selected by means of other portlet attributes.
>> Then we have similar additional portlets GenericScreenletAjax,
>> GenericScreenletAjaxWithMenu that add more features using more attributes.
>> How is all this useful?
>> The original idea behind the portlet attributes was to offer to the user a
>> portlet (but not so much generic) that could be customized is some way.
>> Examples of Attributes usage could be:
>> - A portlet lists all new orders or new communications. Attributes could
>> be
>> used to limit the max number of orders to be displayed, or the order
>> status
>> etc.
>> The Generic portlets added in this commit use the Attributes to select the
>> actual screen to render, the menu to include etc. So the attributes are
>> not
>> intended to be used by the user any more but by the developer.
>> So how do they differ from Decorators that are already designed for this.
>> I propose to eliminate all this stuff. It seems to me just more things to
>> know to use OFBiz and do not add any real feature.
>> Thank you,
>> -Bruno
> Hi Bruno,
> I must say I disagree with you on this. Those porlets should be seen as
> kind of decorators. Those generic portlets are useful and  help in quickly
> creating new interfaces.
> maybe it's the use of the term portletAttributes which bothers you ? If you
> have a better idea on how to handle this, we may discuss it. But frankly,
> this is working great and add a new funtionality to the portal system. If
> you want a detailed wiki page, or maybe an admin page, where users can
> select those attributes for a portlet, this could be arranged.
> HTH,
> --
> Erwan de FERRIERES

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