On Mar 21, 2011, at 2:34 AM, David E Jones wrote:

> On Mar 20, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Joe Eckard wrote:
>> On Mar 19, 2011, at 11:33 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>> I'm writing this to start a thread to discuss:
>>> If you could change ANYTHING in the OFBiz data model, what would it be?
>>> To kick this off here are some ideas I've compiled that have come up over 
>>> the years (many based on feedback from people on this mailing list), or 
>>> that I thought of recently will working on this topic. You can see them 
>>> below...
>>> -David
>>> ========================================================
>>> - Move most *Type entities to Enumeration values (update seed data, 
>>> referring
>>> entities, remove *Type) (after this remove all remaining hasTable fields)
>> Related to this:
>> - Add the enumTypeId to the entity definition for the field
>>      <field name="locationTypeEnumId" enum-type="FACLOC_TYPE" ...
> That's an interesting idea, make the framework aware of the 
> EnumerationTypes...
> What I'm thinking of instead would be to use a convention, basically have the 
> relation(ship).@title attribute be the enumTypeId (and use CamelCasing for 
> the enumTypeIds).

That would work also, anything that would let you determine the type to look 
for. When I was building a generic entity editor in wicket, not being able to 
determine this programmatically was a big problem.

>> Also,
>> - Make userLoginId an ID that isn't changed, add a field for "name" that can 
>> be updated
> Yeah, that's a good idea. I like it enough that I just changed Moqui to work 
> that way.
> Right now OFBiz has a work-around for changing usernames by creating a new 
> UserLogin record and attaching it to the same Party. Since most stuff in the 
> system records by party this works okay, but it's true that there is still a 
> lot of stuff attached to the userLoginId that wouldn't be carried over, so 
> this approach you're talking about is clearly better.
>> - Condense credit card name fields (first, middle, last, prefix, suffix, 
>> etc.) into a single "nameOnCard"
> This one I'm not so sure about. The OFBiz CreditCard entity actually started 
> out with a single field for the name on card (and one for the company name on 
> card), and then we ran into a problem where certain payment processors ask 
> for separate first/middle/last names, and splitting based on spaces is not 
> reliable (especially for those with multiple last names, etc).

You're right, I didn't look into the other payment processors. I've worked with 
several large ones in the past and they all either didn't use the name, or 
accepted a single name field and I was concerned about the re-assembled name 
not matching what someone could have entered as a single string.

> Is there are particular reason you've found the separated fields annoying?
> -David

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