On Mar 22, 2011, at 6:27 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> Thanks David,
> they are all good points; here are a few more from my wish list:
> - Remove TechData* entities and use WorkEffort

Yeah, that's a good idea that would simplify the data model and make things 
more flexible (though make the manufacturing scheduling code somewhat more 

> - get rid of all the different GlAccount Default mappings entities and design 
> a cleaner and central entity

As a start we could at least move all of these entities to the accounting 
component (ie put them all in a single package, and in a single file). If we 
consolidate various of these to a single entity would we use a generic related 
key column? It's always a bummer to lose foreign keys, but there are quite a 
few entities that follow the same pattern and it certainly could be 

> - move return type from the return item and to the header

Yes, this is a mess of bad design, we have:


IMO ReturnItem.returnTypeId should go to returnResponseEnumId (since it's 
really where the response is selected, and not a type for the return or the 
return item... at all), ReturnHeader.returnHeaderTypeId -> returnTypeEnumId, 
ReturnItem.returnItemTypeId -> itemTypeEnumId (use the shared item types 
mentioned in another item below to consolidate these so the same set are used 
for OrderItem, OrderAdjustment, InvoiceItem, ReturnItem, RequestItem, QuoteItem 
(irrelevant if/when Order* entities are used for quotes)

> - redesign following a more standard approach 
> PartyClassificationGroup/PartyClassificationType/PartyClassification

Yes, this is another good one. This the pattern I had in mind:

    <entity entity-name="PartyClassification" package-name="mantle.party.party">
        <field name="partyClassificationId" type="id" is-pk="true"/>
        <field name="classificationTypeEnumId" type="id"/>
        <field name="parentClassificationId" type="id"/>
        <field name="description" type="text-long"/>
        <relationship type="one" title="PartyClassificationType" 
            <key-map field-name="classificationTypeEnumId"/>
        <relationship type="one" title="Parent" 
            <key-map field-name="parentClassificationId"/>
    <entity entity-name="PartyClassificationAppl" 
        <field name="partyId" type="id" is-pk="true"/>
        <field name="partyClassificationId" type="id" is-pk="true"/>
        <field name="fromDate" type="date-time" is-pk="true"/>
        <field name="thruDate" type="date-time"/>
        <relationship type="one" related-entity-name="Party"/>
        <relationship type="one" related-entity-name="PartyClassification"/>

> - instead of OrderItemShipGrpInvRes we could use InventoryItemDetail 
> (expanded)

This one I'm not sure about. I like the idea of changing 
"OrderItemShipGrpInvRes" to just InventoryReserveration and moving it to the 
product.inventory package, but the InventoryItemDetail entity is used to keep a 
history of changes to the quantities/etc on an InventoryItem and the 
reservation records are created and removed as needed for the actual 
reservations needed, so I'm not sure it would be a good fit.


> Kind regards,
> Jacopo
> On Mar 20, 2011, at 4:33 AM, David E Jones wrote:
>> I'm writing this to start a thread to discuss:
>> If you could change ANYTHING in the OFBiz data model, what would it be?
>> To kick this off here are some ideas I've compiled that have come up over 
>> the years (many based on feedback from people on this mailing list), or that 
>> I thought of recently will working on this topic. You can see them below...
>> -David
>> ========================================================
>> - Rename *Role entities to *Party
>> - Remove *Attribute and *TypeAttr entities (not generally a good practice to 
>> use)
>> - Remove all status history (*Status) and just using audit on the statusId 
>> field
>> - ProductPrice add quantity breaks, change PK to single field sequenced
>> - Get rid of QuantityBreak and use the two simple fields instead in each 
>> place used
>> - Get rid of ProdCatalog*, rework it to ProductStoreCategory, ie directly 
>> associate to the store
>> - Change OrderItemShipGrpInvRes to InventoryReservation, change PK to single 
>> field sequenced
>> - Change Quote to be other types of Order
>> - Make Return more like Invoice (ie no adjustment, just use items for 
>> everything)
>> - Instead of OrderItemType, OrderAdjustmentType, InvoiceItemType, 
>> ReturnItemType just use Shared ItemType everywhere
>> - PartyRelationship simplify (single sequenced ID)
>> - Make prefixes consistent (no suffixes), ie toPartyId instead of partyIdTo, 
>> etc
>> - Change all relationships to PartyRole to be type one-nofk; use plain one 
>> for Party and RoleType
>> - Move most *Type entities to Enumeration values (update seed data, referring
>> entities, remove *Type) (after this remove all remaining hasTable fields)
>> - Rework PhysicalInventory and InventoryVariance to simplify, reduce 
>> dependency on InventoryItem
>> - Review use of Appl, Assoc (look at book, make sure consistent)
>> - Add PartyIdentification entity, get rid of various fields and other 
>> entities (maybe even PartyTaxAuthority...)
>> - Change GoodIdentification to ProductIdentification
>> - Combine PartyContactMechPurpose and PartyContactMech (remove, only use 
>> entity with purpose, name PartyContactMech)
>> - Get rid of NoteData, put noteText very-long field directly on various 
>> *Note entities
>> - Review all entities with large PKs (esp 4+ fields)
>> - Review and do something with all createOn/By lastUpdateOn/By fields, maybe 
>> add an auditing flag for the entity instead of just for a field
>> - CustRequest to Request
>> - FinAccount to FinancialAccount
>> - Invoice handle recurrence? (was using RecurrenceInfo)
>> - Get rid of optional ProductFeature concept (conf/etc products much better 
>> model)
>> - Instead of various *Term entities and mapping, just use OrderTerm 
>> everywhere
>> - Cleanup/reorg ShipmentCostEstimate, CarrierShipmentMethod, etc, etc
>> - Agreement - make price list easier/cleaner
>> - Remove all createdDate, createdByUserLogin, lastModifiedDate, 
>> lastModifiedByUserLogin fields (use framework defaults, audit-log)
>> - Product clean up: move dimenstions to new entity, remove content fields, 
>> etc
>> - Trim down big entities like Product, WorkEffort, etc; for groups of 
>> similar fields use a more normalized structure

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