The "Introduction to Moqui Framework" document is now ready and available do 
download through SourceForge:

This document is meant for application developers, ie for the same people who 
would use Moqui. It is 12 pages with 2 diagrams and should be a quick read, but 
describes where everything is in the framework and from a high level how to do 
various things.

BTW, feedback on this document and on the framework itself would both be most 


On Apr 2, 2011, at 12:17 PM, David E Jones wrote:

> That is a good question. The best way to get an idea of how things would look 
> is to look at the example component (in runtime/component/example), the 
> configuration files (default: 
> framework/api/conf-default/MoquiDefaultConf.xml, environment-specific: 
> runtime/conf/...), and the interface definitions for the API 
> (framework/api/src/org/moqui/...).
> I'm working on a document now that describes the different parts of the 
> framework and how the API is organized ("Introduction to Moqui Framework") 
> and hopefully I'll have that posted this weekend.
> -David
> On Apr 2, 2011, at 11:22 AM, Brett Palmer wrote:
>> David,
>> We are interested in this project.  Let us know the best way to start
>> playing with the framework and see how we could use it.  We do a lot of
>> custom applications and moqui sounds like a framework that could be used for
>> this.
>> Thanks again for your efforts.
>> Brett
>> On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 12:09 AM, David E Jones <> wrote:
>>> I still don't know if or how all of this will turn out, but here is the
>>> latest on the changes I've been wanting to make in the OFBiz Framework, but
>>> gave up on doing directly in OFBiz about a year and a half ago. The
>>> redesigned framework is a separate project that is now in beta (I just did
>>> the release today):
>>> The Moqui Framework is now feature-complete for the planned feature set of
>>> the 1.0 version. There are details about this in the release notes,
>>> including everything in this release and the previous 3 releases, plus a
>>> list of features not to be included in 1.0.
>>> At this point the framework is far enough along that it is a clear
>>> demonstration of the changes that I would like to see in OFBiz, but that are
>>> difficult to do in a project with such a mature community and a large set of
>>> software that depends on it. Some of the main things are how the security
>>> and authorization are done, how the API is organized, the separation between
>>> framework and non-framework runtime artifacts, the deployment model
>>> (described in detail in the RunDeploy.txt file in the project), the way
>>> templates are used for simple-methods (XML Actions in Moqui) and the
>>> form/screen/etc widgets (XML Screens, Forms in Moqui), and how the web
>>> "controller" in OFBiz could be combined with screens and made hierarchical
>>> to introduce a lot of flexibility and far better organization of
>>> applications (less files open, easier to find things, automatic menu
>>> creation, per-used menu items/subscreens, and much more).
>>> Now that the beta is out the next step is to start building more real-world
>>> applications with it (so far the framework just has an example app and some
>>> basic tools built on it), and those will act as test cases as well. I don't
>>> have any intention to create another project like OFBiz that is a
>>> comprehensive ERP/CRM/etc/etc/etc system, and instead I'm hoping those will
>>> be separate project.
>>> However, I am working on a project to act as a basis for various
>>> applications that will share the same data model, common services, and
>>> derive from a common set of stories too. This project is called "Mantle". To
>>> see how this all fits together, check out the home page on the 
>>> moqui.orgsite which has a diagram that includes these things. There is also 
>>> a link to
>>> the github repository that has the Mantle UDM (Universal Data Model)
>>> progress so far.
>>> Back to the first comment: I don't know all of this will turn out. In a way
>>> it would be interesting to have OFBiz migrate to use these things, but that
>>> may not be of interest to very many in the community, so I won't be too
>>> surprised if that never happens. I've already heard from a couple of people
>>> who have proposed this idea, and I know some others would probably be very
>>> against it.
>>> On the other hand, if anyone is curious about such a thing, now it's
>>> possible to get an idea of what it might look like by look at the Moqui
>>> Framework and the example application and such.
>>> -David

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