The problem is, you are trying to mix the pricing model with the product/fixed asset model. That will not work.

Here is how I would set things up based on my understanding of video rentals:

[Products / Fixed Assets]

Product: Die Hard VHS Cassette
Product Categories: VHS, Action, Drama, Bruce Willis
Fixed Assets: 10009

Product: Die Hard DVD
Product Categories: DVD, Action, Drama, Bruce Willis
Fixed Assets: 10010, 10011, 1012

Product: Die Hard IIV DVD
Product Categories: New Releases, DVD, Action, Drama, Bruce Willis
Fixed Assets: 20020, 20021, 20022


Product Category: VHS
Price: $1.00 per day

Product Category: DVD
Price: $1.50 per day

Product Category: New Releases
Price: $0.50 per day


On 9/23/2011 7:16 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
On Fri, 2011-09-23 at 06:56 +0100, Adrian Crum wrote:
If they are the same product, then they are in the same product categories.

so that is limitation of the current datamodel?......looks like i have
to create for every asset a product and a single inventory item of which
many have the same price and other data, only the picture is different
because i cannot store that on the fixed asset.

Then i also better use the 'instanceOfProduct field on the fixed asset
and do not need the fixedassetProduct entity and the recently added
fixedAssetId field on the inventoryitem..

I have three copies of the Die Hard DVD. Why would I want to put each
one in a different product category? What you are suggesting doesn't
make sense.
It might help if you gave some specific examples of what you are trying
to do.
I have a single product : "DVD midlevel price" relating to 10,000 dvd's
with different fixed asset titles in different genre's but the same
rental price


On 9/23/2011 6:51 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
Can you help me think in the right direction?

how can i show some fixedassets of the same product in one category and
some of the assets in another category?

Thank you in advance for your help.


On Fri, 2011-09-23 at 06:47 +0100, Adrian Crum wrote:

The data model supports what you are trying to do if YOU think about it.
There is no need to connect a fixed asset to a product category.


On 9/23/2011 6:44 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
sure can do that, but i want a specific instance showing in one category
and another instance showing in a different category......

Adrian, before you answer can you please think about it a bit?


On Fri, 2011-09-23 at 06:42 +0100, Adrian Crum wrote:
Use FixedAssetProduct.


On 9/23/2011 6:37 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
but if you want a particular instance of a product?

I have products (as i described):
In this product type the product is a group of video rentals of the
same rental price referring to many video assets.

On Fri, 2011-09-23 at 06:32 +0100, Adrian Crum wrote:
A fixed asset is an instance of a product, much like an inventory item
is an instance of a product. So, no - you do not want to connect a fixed
asset to a product category.

Product: Die Hard DVD
Product Categories: DVD, Action, Drama, Bruce Willis
Fixed Assets: 10010, 10011, 1012


On 9/23/2011 6:20 AM, Hans Bakker wrote:
Now we can have rental products where the asset can be rented....

In this product type the product is a group of video rentals of the same
rental price referring to many video assets.

However now we also want to categorize these assets in order to display
them on the e-commerce website.

Is adding a fixedAssetid field to the ProductCategoryMember entity a

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