is it possible to download the "example" separately for new comers ?

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:28 AM,  <> wrote:
> I believe the original purpose of the Example component was to provide a
> very basic application that new developers can analyze and learn from.
> Running the ant task creates an empty application - there is nothing to see
> there.
> So, here is the use case: I need to train new developers to write an OFBiz
> application, and I need a basic functional application to point them to. The
> training could occur with a framework-only instance of OFBiz.
> -Adrian
> Quoting Jacopo Cappellato <>:
>>> Q) framework/example and framework/exampleext: move to specialpurpose
>> Adrian would like to keep Example in the framework but slim it down a lot
>> to the essential (no form widgets examples, no Ajax examples, no content
>> examples etc...). Adrian would you please confirm if in your vision the
>> "example" application should document the layout of a typical OFBiz
>> component only? If yes, we could use the output of the "ant
>> create-component" task to document the best practice layout.
>> Jacques, Olivier would like to keep also the examples for the various
>> higher level features available to OFBiz applications.
>> I think that from the discussion it could emerge the following solution to
>> please everyone:
>> * keep the "example" component in the framework but slim it down to the
>> bare essential
>> * move the "exampleext" component to specialpurpose and migrate to it all
>> the extra features: this could also be used as a best practice guide on how
>> to extend a component from hot-deploy/specialpurpose
>> I still think that it would be nicer to not bundle the "example" component
>> ootb to keep the framework cleaner: the example should be downloaded
>> separately (when we will have clear separation between framework and the
>> rest); this approach is similar to tomcat and its example applications. But
>> I don't have a strong opinion on this.
>> Jacopo

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